Optimal production planning & trading

Plan with confidence & maximize your revenues

The era of hydropower ‘guided curve’ production planning is behind us. As volatile markets become the norm, hydro assets are also focusing on higher reactivity and strategic water management.

With over 7 years of experience in revenue maximization, spill reduction, constraint management, and cascade optimization, HYDROGRID Insight offers hydro asset managers a tool to capitalize on power market changes and maximize water utility profits.

Short, Medium and Long-term Optimal Planning

Regardless of your production planning strategy, we can help you navigate complex optimisation across multiple time horizons and power markets (yearly hedging, day-ahead, intra-day, and reserve products while being able to react in real time, 24/7.

What does it mean for you?

HYDROGRID Insight equips you with the tools to efficiently manage your hydro assets across all planning horizons, ensuring you can optimize your operations and maximize revenue in any market condition. This optimization can help you gain up to 12% more revenue.

Automated Price-Driven Dispatch

Unlike manual planning methods, price-driven dispatch constantly monitors real-time spot, intraday, and day ahead prices and adjusts production to maximize revenue while containing your operational and environmental constraints.

What does it mean for you?

We translate the output of our optimisation algorithms into a tailored bid for you. You get a nominated bid, ready to use or adapt with no extra processing. If you want us to handle this for you, we can send it straight to the power exchange!

Water Value Calculation

Measured in € or $/MWh, our water value is a product of price evolution, dynamic reservoir curve, and turbine capability. The result is a dynamic, real-time, complex evaluation of each available cubic meter of water, that directs strategic trading.

What does that mean for you?

Water value is a must in the production planning of big asset managers and is resource intensive. HYDROGRID Insight provides water value data for assets of all sizes – giving you access to new markets and state-of-the-art business practices – one click away. Explore intraday trading opportunities, and better evaluate your potential across all markets!

Real Time Re-optimisation

The HYDROGRID Insight dispatch plan is automatically aligned to the power market peaks while respecting the present and forecast hydrological situation.

What does that mean for you?

You get a price dependent dispatch plan. Human intelligence refines and enhances your bid to account for market volatility and unpredictable events.

Optimal bidding for grid reserve products

Participating in reserve market bidding, also known as ancillary services markets, is crucial for some hydro facilities to optimize their capacity and revenue potential. In these markets, customers reserve power generation capacity for the grid operator through a weekly auction. They bid on the price for reserving this capacity, which can be either 'positive' (the ability to produce more power on demand) or 'negative' (the ability to reduce power output on demand). HYDROGRID Insight provides comprehensive support for reserve market bidding (tertiary, secondary or primary reserve), ensuring optimal utilization of your hydro facility's capacity.

What does that mean for you?

With HYDROGRID Insight, you can efficiently manage your participation in reserve markets, maximizing revenue potential while ensuring grid stability and reliability.

  1. Strategic Bidding: Easily participate in reserve market auctions with tools to analyze market conditions and make informed bidding decisions.
  2. Optimized Utilization: Optimize your reserve capacity utilization, ensuring compliance with grid operator requirements while maximizing revenue opportunities.
  3. Real-time Visualization: Visualize reserve market activities and performance metrics in real-time, allowing you to track your facility's performance and identify optimization opportunities.
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Make every drop of water count with HYDROGRID INSIGHT!

Get in touch with our hydro consultants to learn how!

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