Product Packages

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Data Platform
Web Interface
Fully Automated Data Interfaces
Security Features including 2FA
User Management & Permissions
Portfolio & Stakeholder Management
Basic Maintenance Planning (1M)
Generation Tracking & Manual Planning
Historical Reporting & KPI‘s
Portfolio Position & Analytics
Planning & Trading Support
Production Planning & Water Management
Basic Planning
Automated Generation Forecast 
 (level regulation)
Real-Time Reservoir Level Forecast (incl Cascade Water Balance Effects)
Day-ahead Nomination and Interfaces
Portfolio Imbalance Position
Restriction Tracking & Visualization
Hydrological Modelling
Inflow Tracking including Automated Data Error Detection
Meteorological Inflow Forecast in Real-Time
Operations & Maintenance
Maintenance Planning
Maintenance Planning
Maintenance Cost Optimization (requires Basic Planning)
Maintenance Timing Optimization (requires Advanced Planning)
Trading & Finance
Long-term Planning
Generation Forecast
Hedge Volumes
Budget Forecast
Advanced Planning & Trading Support
Production Planning & Water Management
Advanced Planning
(requires Basic Planning)
Automated Optimized Generation Planning
Water Value Calculation
Flexible Price-Driven Day-Ahead Bidding
Active Turbine Efficiency Optimisation
Gate Optimization & Estimated Flow
Active Cascade Water Management & Spill Minimization
Automated Basic Restrictions
Intraday Optimization
(requires Advanced Planning)
Automated Intraday Re-Optimization
Intraday Volumes & Water Value via API
Intraday Price & Volume via API
Operations & Maintenance
Advanced Restrictions
(requires Advanced Planning)
Ramping Restrictions
Start & Stop Restrictions
Discharge Variation Restrictions
Level Variation Restrictions
Level Dependent Restrictions
Configurable Restriction Priorities
Trading & Finance
Price Forecast
Hourly Price Forecast (3Y)
Ancillary Services
(requires Advanced Planning)
Optimal grid reserve bidding
Optimal portfolio allocation of reserves
Data Platform
Leverage HYDROGRID Insight as a central platform for automated storage, visualization, and management of key hydro plant data, with user access as needed. Ensure data security, enhance operational efficiency, and improve strategic decisions with full data transparency.
Add any product package to the Insight Data Platform to optimally cover your analytics needs and seamlessly integrate with your IT landscape. All packages work together on one integrated, real-time platform.
Production Planning & Water Management
Basic Planning
(requires Data Module)
Automate run-of-river generation forecasts based on expected inflow and manage flexible generation on an intuitive dashboard. Use effortless automation and clear insights to streamline production, ensure regulatory compliance, reduce imbalance costs, and avoid negative pricing.
(no Prerequisites)
Analyze historical hydrology patterns, track real-time inflows, and receive hourly inflow forecasts based on meteorological data to minimize forecasting errors, reduce imbalance costs, and increase operational safety.
Automatic Planning & Optimization
(requires Basic Planning)
Expand your basic planning capabilities and automatically receive optimal dispatch plans for each turbine and gate. Ensure compliance 365 days a year, while increasing revenues by an average of 11% and fully automating your production planning process 7 days a week.
Intraday Optimization
(requires Advanced Planning)
Fully automate plant dispatch and react in real-time to weather or market changes 24/7. Reduce water loss, increase generation by up to 8%, and enable price-driven dispatch for limited flexibility plants, unlocking up to a 25% revenue increase.
Operations & Maintenance
Maintenance Planning
(requires Basic Planning)
Effortlessly plan and manage maintenance work across your fleet to minimize revenue loss. Reduce downtime costs with automated scheduling, enhance transparency and compliance, and align power market bids to optimize availability and minimize imbalance costs.
Advanced Restrictions
(requires Basic Planning)
Manage complex operational restrictions, such as level-dependent requirements, with ease and precision. Ensure operational safety and compliance with advanced automation.
Trading & Finance
Long-term Planning
(requires Basic Planning)
Get forecasts for inflow, generation, reservoir levels, budgets, and financial hedging up to one year ahead. Boost operational safety, improve budget accuracy, and optimize financial performance with enhanced long-term insights.
Price Forecast
(requires Basic Planning)
Automatically receive hourly power market forecasts for power plant dispatch and budget decisions. This reduces operational effort, IT complexity, and data licensing costs.
Capacity & Grid Reserves
(requires Advanced Planning)
Optimize bidding and capacity allocation for grid and reserve products. Boost financial performance, reduce operational efforts and risk, and ensure safety and cost efficiency in grid reserve bidding.
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